
"Following your passion for years, you will surely become somebody one day." Rancho - 3 Idiots

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hey, I Write Like Cory Doctorow!

i have just tried the link Ching suggests for me. it's like you paste your writing and the page will do some analysis. aaaannndddd, tadaaaaaaa.. you will get a badge (like i get below).

I write like
Cory Doctorow

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

haha they say i write like Cory Doctorow. i dont ever hear his name xD
so i google it (i actually dont really want to, but i'm just curious)
and here he is

hehe. at least i write like a writer. lol.


  1. haha..he's probably an awesome writer just like you :)

  2. @ching: haha yes, he is. but it's too much to comparing me and him xD

  3. Kanvasvirtual nih,, hehe mana emailmu ntar kukirimin tutorialnya yang bener, bkn ngasal. Atau tanyake inuel jombloku,arek mojokerto jugah dia.

  4. @kanvasV : emailku ayu.cheer@yahoo.com
    @aini : hebaaaatt :))
