
"Following your passion for years, you will surely become somebody one day." Rancho - 3 Idiots

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pictures Talk!

just want to share some pictures i took heheh. i upload more on my Instagram.

the first one is the picture of Edelweiss. i went to Bromo last holiday and yea, that was my first time seeing this flower and i was like, "PRETTYYYY!!! :O" i was directly toward one of the sellers and (shamelessly) took photos of the flowers without buying one :P what is that hole? no worry, that's just the broken table haha

this is my favorite shoot of Lebaran. this picture was taken when we are waiting for big family to gather for 'sungkeman' after Eid prayer. those two adorable kiddies are Oca and Adhif, my 3-year-old cousins. I can't believe I got this moment. see how cute they are!

what is that? anyone knows? haha that is bird origami. LOTS of birds, literally. i got this photo when i was in Embassy of Japan for my scholarship test. we (the particpants) gathered in a quite large room (where the origami is hung on the front wall) for listening to short briefing. and when the speaker was out, i took this! hahaha

"great. how just a picture can bring back tons of memories."

Monday, September 10, 2012

Minggu Pertama Ngampus!

minggu pertama ngampus sudah terlewati, saudara-saudara! dan tau apa yang aneh? semuanya. semuanya asing dan baru di sini. mulai dari jadwal, pelajaran, guru (yang sekarang dosen), temen, tempat tinggal, dan (harusnya) pola pikir.

dulu, pas SMA, tiap hari berangkat jam setengah 7 dan pulang jam 5 dengan rata-rata 5 pelajaran tiap harinya. sekarang, kalo berangkat pagi pulang siang. kalo berangkat siang pulang sore. hihi. ngiler kaan, yang masih SMP SMA? :P itu enaknya. ga enaknya, kita harus sabar dengan kemauan dosen yang ga bisa ditawar-tawar. apalagi kalo ganti jadwal mendadak. ngeselin emang. tapi gapapa lah. toh mereka dosennya :P

trus, sekarang ngekos doong. ngapa-ngapain sendiri. seru sih :)) tapi susahnya kalo cari makan. karena belum dibolehin bawa kendaraan, aku kemana-mana jalan huhu. kalo pas ada barengan ya nebeng :P

o iyaaa, dari tadi ngomongin kuliah, pada tau aku kuliah manaa?? #pentingbegete #duniaharustau

gimme the drumroll..........

yak, this is where i am going to spend my next four years :)
PENS -- Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya

wuuu, sebenernya pengen cerita banyak lagi. tapi tugas belum selesai. ini aja ngepost nyolong nyolong, lagi cari tugas agama hehe. udahan yah, mau lanjut cari materi. bisa digemplang temen kelompok kalo belum dapet haha. segitunya :P
well see ya very very sooooonn~