
"Following your passion for years, you will surely become somebody one day." Rancho - 3 Idiots

Monday, May 24, 2010

Let Yourself Guess! :D

could you guys guess what do i mean to post that pic? haha XD


one very important thing i learnt this evening.


aku udah ngerasain 2 kali!! (sebenernya berkali kali, tapi ini yang masih anget (?) aja)
yang pertama, hari Sabtu kemaren. sekolahku kan mau ada validasi RSBI, guru-guru jadi super sibuk. sibuk laporan-laporan apalah, sibuk benahin sekolah lah *jangan meniru adegan tersebut, benahin sekolah pas mau ada penilaian doang*. lah waktu itu kan aku sama dua temen aku abis bersih-bersih kelas, mau pulang. tapi kita berhenti dulu di depan TRRC, ngeliatin anak mading yang lagi bikin mading *iyalah* eh, taunya dipanggil sama Bu N**, suruh ANGKATIN POT bunga yang gede-gedenya kaya gitu! ya ampuuun ga kasian ama kita? udah cewe, kurus kurus lagi -,-

trus yang kedua tadi sore. rencana mau pulang awal, jam 3an. tapi ujan, aku sama temen-temen nunggu reda dulu di depan TRRC *bodohnya*. whaa, malah dipanggil lagi! kali ini suruh beres-beresin data-data gitu. ampuuunn sampe jam stgh 5an. huaaa tega-teganyaa! :'( kita berasa jadi anak yang dipekerjakan semena-mena sama ibu tiri (?) HAHA

ga apa deh, yang penting KONSUMSI! XD

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


“We're so fortunate, we just don't get it. We've been really blessed, and we're trying to not to take it for granted.”

“We were the local band. That night was huge for us because we got to play with some of our favorite bands. Now, those guys are pretty good friends of ours. We still look up to them like we always have, though.”

"Just look at them, they're massive!"

"find time to realize that God is everywhere with you and it's not just about fitting him into 15 minutes a day. you can find him all day, whether you're in class, whether it's starbucks. it doesn't matter what you're doing, serve Him."

"Okay, we got san francisco singin', baby, come on! DO IT DO IT DO IT!"

"if you're gonna put your faith in something, then it better shape who you are and what people see in you"

"i do respect you even though you're yelling fuck me at me"

“when we think we know people inside out and we think we know what's best for them we should try to remember we don't even know what's best for ourselves. ”
"Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know where you stand."

"The thing is, our generation, we fight every day to get through life."
"Honesty is what brings people to change and that's what i'm trying to learn in life."

"What motivates me is seeing people in the crowd and wondering what they're going home to and what they're dealing with, and knowing that for the time being we're their escape."

"Why not stand up, pump your fists in the air, and scream like a maniac"

"I'm not laaaaatteeeee! DDD:"

"I got a rock in my shoe, but I'm not a rock shoe."

"Be Unforgettable."

Those all are Hayley's quote.
Love it? :)

This Is The Firssstt!

just reached home when im writing this post.
do you guys know where am i just went to? i have just gone to 'dokter spesialis THT'!!
woohoo. cool, eh? :D

beberapa hari lalu saya ngerasa agak aneh gitu sama telinga saya. agak sakit gitu lah.
nah, jadi deh saya minta mama nganterin ke THT.
awalnya belum pernah ke THT sama sekali. jadi pengen tau juga gimana rasanya.
tapi bingung juga mau pergi kapan, abis ga ada waktu *sok sibuk*
akhirnyaa, deal deh kalo kita (saya dan mama) berangkat rabu sore abis pulang sekolah.

berangkat jam setengah 5an tadi. nyampe rumah sakitnya jam 5 deh kira kira.
antrinya lamaaaaaa banget. sampe kurus kering gini nungguin *ngga deng, emang udah kurus*
baru dipanggil jam 6an gitu.
canggung juga sih. untung aja dokternya baek. jadi asik aja gitu di dalem.
ternyata, kata bu dokter, saya keseringan korek-korek kuping. jadi sebenernya itu ngga baek. kalo telinga ga dibersihin juga gapapa. soalnya pas kita tidur, kotoran telinga itu udah ilang sendiri (gara-gara mencair kalo ga salah). trus kata dokter saya juga sebaiknya rutin ke THT setahun sekali gitu deh *lama banget yak*
akhirnya balik ke rumah abis adzan isya'. tapi sebelumnya beli nasi goreng dulu di parkiran :))

yaah, cukup sekian deh pengalaman pertama saya pergi ke dokter THT. hahaha.
semoga ga ada masalah apa apa lagi deh sama telinga saya. dan anggota tubuh lainnyaa haha :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Posting Gajelas

gonna have an ESL test tomorrow.


semoga dapet A deh yaa.
ngarep bangeeet huweeekk haha :P

oh yea, barusan dia sms! wooo!
*jingkrak jingkrak jungkir balik atas kasur*
seneng seneng seneng pokonyaa!! :))

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"All true learning is experience. Everything else is just information." --Albert Einstein

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


do you guys know what I'm doing in this-full-of-amazing-design-room?

i am making a kind of greatness! ~biasaajakali

and never forget to give a sign of my name :) haha

aannddddd.. you're looking at the finishing!
it's my own hand-made :D
compared with the picture below.

while this is the teacher's drawing.
very good, eh? envyyy :)

and it is the teacher :)
Mr. eh.. i think i forget it hehe.

This is one of my indoor activity while Im in Singapore. you can see, this is their D&T class (Design and Technology). here the students made a ton of new stuff that come purely from their own idea, and they make it true.
because I lovee drawing, I love being here :)